Interviewed by A-Channel

This entry is part 8 of 27 in the series, Zimbabwe 2007 Project

I was interviewed today by Mike Lorentz from A-Channel News about my participation in the Zimbabwe 2007 Project.? Two other team members (Barry Mutrie and James Giles) were interviewed as well.? I don’t know when the interview will be broadcast (more than likely only will be a snippet of the actual taping) but it was […]

Twitter Updates for 2007-04-05

doing a late-night workathon to try and knock of a few things from my todo list. # well managed to get one thing off my todo list in my late-night workathon…not as much as I hoped…shall I go another a hour? # okay…2:00am…time to hit the sack – I declare the late-night workathon zzzz… #


Every now and then you come across a initiative by an individual on the web that looks genuine on the surface but when you look further you see it is a veiled slam (in good humor of course!)? Such is the case when I recently came across Owen Winkler’s post about ForkPress.? The funny thing […]